FFplus Business Experiments - First Call for Proposals

Home Applicants

FFplus, Open Call 1 (Type 1) for Business Experiments

The call opens on June 21nd, 2024 and will close on September 4th, 2024 at 17:00 Brussels local time.

  • To submit the initial version of your proposal, please go to Proposal submission. You will be sent a proposal id and password for later updates. Please note: Proposals violating the page limit will be rejected!

  • In order to update a proposal, please go to Proposal update.
  • In order to withdraw a proposal, please go to Proposal cancellation.

Please direct any questions to ffplus-call-t1@scapos-tools.de.

Your data will be processed according to the FFplus Privacy Policy.

FFplus - ffplus@cesga.es.

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